Pertanyaan Interview Bahasa Inggris Dan Jawabannya - Contoh dan Penjelasan

Guru Bahasa Inggris

Interview menggunakan bahasa Inggris tuh sering banget dipake sama perusahaan, sekolah, dan lembaga pemerintah buat nyari karyawan. Pastinya, buat yang bukan native speaker, itu bisa jadi ribet dan tantangan gede banget. Tetapi jangan cemas, artikel ini menawarkan beberapa contoh pertanyaan interview bahasa inggris dan jawabannya.

Artikel ini keren banget karena contoh pertanyaan interview dan jawabannya udah biasa banget dipake di berbagai bidang atau lingkungan pekerjaan seperti perusahaan, sekolah, atau lembaga pemerintah. Yuk, simak terus ulasan seputar pertanyaan interview dalam bahasa inggris dan jawabannya!



Tentu saja sebelum hadir dalam suatu wawancara dibutuhkan persiapan matang. Persiapan matang diperlukan supaya bisa tampil percaya diri. Orang percaya diri pasti akan dilirik oleh HRD. Apa saja harus kamu persiapkan agar bisa menjawab interview kerja secara baik?

  • Paling utama adalah kesehatan jasmani melalui pola istirahat dan makan teratur supaya bisa tampil fresh. Tentu saja harus dipersiapkan juga ialah keterampilan bahasa inggris sehingga dapat menjawab pertanyaan lewat jawaban secara maksimal.
  • Keterampilan itu dapat diasah melalui belajar baik itu melalui media online atau cara-cara klasik seperti membaca dan latihan berbicara. Dengan persiapan itu, pertanyaan interview bisa dijawab, mudah serta tanpa terbata-bata.
  • Memulai sebuah interview tentu tidak mudah apalagi dalam bahasa inggris. Maka kamu perlu melakukan research kecil tentang perusahaan terkait sehingga jawabannya tidak ngasal aja.



Berikut diuraikan contoh pertanyaan interview bahasa inggris dan jawabannya.

Good Morning, How are you today?
I am good and happy to be present for the interview.

Could you tell me about yourself
Thank you for inviting me for an interview. Let me introduce myself, my name is Aldric, I am twenty years old, I come from North Jakarta.
I graduated in 2022 from an Indonesian university. I am one of the best graduating students.
Previously I had taught at two schools as a mathematics teacher, in 2022 I taught at SDN 01 Jakarta, in 2023-2024 I taught at SMPN 06 Jakarta.
One of my achievements while teaching was helping students at SMPN 06 Jakarta win a gold medal in the Mathematics Olympiad in July 2024 in Tokyo.
And yesterday I decided to resign.

What do you do when you face a problem?
Actually, I often face various problems and when I face a problem, the first thing I do is calm myself and find the root of the problem so that it might be resolved properly. I also usually communicate with people who can solve the problem well.

What do you know about our-company?
This-company is very well known both locally and nationally. And it specifically operates in the textile sector to meet domestic needs, but also for export abroad.

How do you prioritize work?
I always prioritize the tasks given to me. I completed the tasks on time and of course with good results. So that it goes well, I prepared a special table to determine which tasks must be completed as quickly as possible.

What will you do to develop this-company?
Of course, the main thing I do is use the skills I have. Apart from that, I try to always collaborate with all teams, and continue to build communication with the leadership.

Why do you want to work here? Is it for money?
I have to say honestly, first of all I need money. But I also want to work here because I have the ability to develop this company.

What strengths do you have that we could accept in this-company?
I have a leadership spirit and could protect all employees. I am also able to communicate well and could solve various problems or challenges faced by the company.

Then what weaknesses do you have?

Sebenernya pertanyaan ini pengen nguji seberapa kamu ngerti diri sendiri, terutama kelemahan-kelemahan kamu punya. Tapi paling penting juga, gimana caranya supaya kelemahan itu bisa kamu atasi secara baik. Berikut jawabannya:
I have a weakness, namely being too idealistic about the company's performance. But sometimes my idealism doesn't match reality. But I can always adapt to unsuitable conditions.

Have you ever experienced failure in your life and how did you deal with it?
Of course I have failed, I once failed the Toefl test, but from that failure I was motivated to learn more.

Have you applied to any companies?
Apart from this-company, I have been sent to five companies, but only two of them asked to appear for an interview.

How did you know about job vacancies here?
I got this vacancy information via the Jobstreet or LulusKita application.

What salary do you expect?
I expect a salary in accordance with the minimum wage.

Are you able to adapt to new situations?
Facing new situations has its challenges. But the challenge did not make me despair. The way I use to adapt quickly is to communicate, socialize, and especially ask people who know better.

What do you do in your free time?

Usually I go on recreation with my family. Because I like reading, I also use my free time to read books, especially about politics.

Do you have any questions?

Diharapkan kesempatan ini dimanfaatkan dengan baik ketika diminta untuk memberi pertanyaan. Contoh pertanyaan disampaikan misalnya:
Can you provide information about the working hours at this company?

Demikinalah ulasan seputar pertanyaan interview bahasa inggris dan jawabannya. Ingin belajar secara intensif, ayo temukan tutornya di Interaksi. Sistem pembelajaran online dengan jadwal flexible. Ayo jangan berlama-lama lagi untuk temukan guru bahasa inggris di Interaks sekarang juga!

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