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Vinna Octavia

Terverifikasi oleh Interaksi
Mitra yang direkomendasikan
Terverifikasi oleh Interaksi
26 tahun
Pengalaman kerja:
7 tahun
Hari buka:
Senin sampai Sabtu

Teaching is my passion. I have been a private teacher for about 7 years and worked in an International school teacher for 3.5 years. My ability in creating a tailored materials for each students (because I believe that every student is unique and he/she has different needs). Learning English is a big challenge for some students, but I can be their biggest supporter to master it. I am a Bachelor Degree of English Literature, graduated from Stikubank University in Semarang. I took Linguistics as a focus of my major. I love helping kids, teenagers, and adults to learn English. I am a private teacher for 7 years now and was a teacher in an International school for 3.5 years. I mostly teach them grammar (basic to advanced), especially for them that have difficulty in learning English for school materials and add some other skills into it. I also love to communicate with their parents to know their improvement and I open to every input from them. At the beginning of lesson, I usually have some worksheet for them to know their English levels. Once I understand their levels and needs, I start to create materials for them and I always try my best to give them worksheet from some sources and work with them.

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Basic English

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In this level, I always make sure the learners master a basic grammar or skills that they need as a foundation for their next levels. Basic English Program usually will take about 6-12 months (depends on every learner's ability).

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Intermediate and Advanced Level

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These levels are challenges for some learners, but I love to help them to master it. There will be a lot of discussion and worksheets to help the learners gain the knowledge better. I usually also add every English skill in this levels.

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Vinna Octavia
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