Rinta Niary

Terverifikasi oleh Interaksi
Mitra yang direkomendasikan
Terverifikasi oleh Interaksi
36 tahun
Pengalaman kerja:
6 tahun
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My strong communication skills and friendly demeanor create a welcoming environment for new students, facilitating meaningful connections. I actively engage with empathy, easing transitions and contributing to a supportive community, enriching the overall experience for everyone. Through this approach, I believe that the support I provide will not only enhance the experience for new students but also lay the groundwork for a strong foundation in a community that supports growth and development together. This course is designed to build confidence and English communication skills for each student At the entry level (A1-A2), students can understand and participate in a conversation, can read and understand a simple text, news, and short announcement in any media. Also student can write short emails and notes. Their progress will be shown based on the duration and levels they're completed.

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English tutor

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English for Kids and Teens - starts from IDR 50,000

English mastery is a must in this digital era. It is important for us, non-english speaking country people, to learn English since the early age. Learning English is about habit, the younger you start, the better English skill you will get.

So, for you students aged 6-15 years old, do not hesitate to join my class. See you!

Regular Class Rp 200.000/session (max. 4 students)
Semi Private Rp 100.000/session (max. 2 students)
Private Rp 100.000/session (max 1 student)

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English Conversation for Adults

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This class is dedicated for Adults (people aged 17 and above) who want to improve their English Skill starts from level A1-A2 at the CEFR.

This class is dedicated for Adults (people aged 17 and above) who want to improve their English Skill starts from level A1-A2 at the CEFR.

At the end of the class, students are expected to be confident in daily conversation and understand some vocabulary

What will you get from this class?
1. Vocabulary and daily expressions
2. Fundamental grammar
3. Speaking practice
4. Pronunciation practice
5. Listening comprehension

Class time arrangement (60'/meeting):
40'-45' : Grammar Focus (Listening, Reading, Writing Skill Practice)
20-15' : Speaking Activities

So, what are you waiting for? It's time to speak!!

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Pernahkah Anda bekerja dengan spesialis ini?

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Jennifer Lie
Vinna Octavia
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Hendy Kusmarian
Ajeng Apriliana
Zarira Ande Claudy Karinina
Evan Alfayed Hamami
Nurhakiki Putri Lestari
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Romi kurniawan
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Akhmad Ngafifudin
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Yogi Ramadhan
Zalfha Zainul Muttaqin
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Timmy Hendra Tjia
Verena Jessica
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Wahyu Tri Suweno
Devy Syavila
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Muhammad Agam Ghirah Fahrozi
Nara Bagus Darmawan
Yarni Selvia
Rinta Niary
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Russel Lie
Mochammad Naufal
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Dodi Erwandi
Rahmat Hidayat
Muhammad Fathurrahman
Andra El Banggawy
Lailatul Fitriyah
Chika Tunjung Keyna
Mitra yang direkomendasikan
Rinta Niary
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