Putri Nur Purwaningtias
Saya adalah tipe guru yang periang dan selalu berusaha membuat murid saya merasa nyaman di kelas yang saya ampu. Meskipun begitu, saya juga menetapkan target dalam perkembangan belajar murid-murid yang saya ampu. Saya memiliki metode yang menyenangkan sehingga suasana kelas tidak menjadi penuh tekanan dan membuat murid merasa 'muak' dalam belajar. Saya mampu membangun hubungan yang baik dengan murid saya.Rata rata siswa yang saya ajarkan selalu membuat perpanjangan kursus setelah selesai belajar dengan saya.
English Speaking Course
The course that we offer will be focused on Speaking Practice. Many students ever complained to me that when they studied English with their previous tutors/teachers, they said that the tutors rarely speak English to them and only focus about the grammar lesson then vocabulary. Even though those are important too in Understanding English, but it will be no good without speaking Practice.
This course will be focus on Speaking Practice and the tutor will also correcting the mistakes in Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation too.
Also, the tutor will help you to get more confidence in speaking English
We always afraid speaking English because we are worrying about mistakes that we will made, but, because of that, we don't have any brave to improve our speaking.
Do not be afraid, let's study with us!
Untuk jenis kelasnya ada 2
1. Private 1 on 1: Rp. 75.000/meeting
2. private group max 4 students: Rp. 60.000/student