Lidia Candra Permatasari
My Name is Lidia Candra Permatasari. I was born in Surakarta, 6th august 1990. I studied in English Department of Sebelas Maret University majoring in translation studies. I teach English for more than 5 years. I taught English in a non profit English course for months. I am a patient and cheerful teacher. Some of my students are kids, while some are adults. For kids, they will get a lot of knowledge from zero to be hero. I will help them to understand the materials given in school and to finish their homework. While, for adults, they will be able to speak English more fluently. They will learn about conversation in any situation from zero to advance. For the worker, sometimes the company need them to go abroad, so I will give them materials about conversation in terms of bussines and jobs.
English for Kids
For kids, I will teach from pre school, play group, kindergarten, elementary until high School. They will get more knowledge in writting, reading, grammar and speaking. I will teach you in effective way by using national and international curriculum, thus they will get better score in school.
English for Employees
For employee, you will learn about English conversation of bussines and your specialist, for example : doctor, tourist guide, etc. Thus, I will give you knowledge about some terminologies.
English for Adults
For adults, I will give you more knowledge about conversation in any situation you need.
The materials can be taken from everywhere. We will read, translate, make answer and question from some articles to practice conversation. It will help you to improve your English skill.