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Giffari Arsyad

Terverifikasi oleh Interaksi
Mitra yang direkomendasikan
Terverifikasi oleh Interaksi
26 tahun
Pengalaman kerja:
5 tahun
Hari buka:
Malam dan Setiap Weekend

As a teacher, I used Kolb experiential learning in my teaching that will help students understand more with the basis of personal experience during the class. I have a lot of tools to help me manage the learning process well for my students and make a individualized curriculum for each student. As a designer, I mastered some tools like corel draw, adobe photoshop, adobee illustratorr, and wondershare filmora.

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Graphic Design

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1. Evaluation: The client will be extended an invitation to participate in a comprehensive assessment meeting to determine the specific design requirements. This assessment will encompass the design's intended purpose, target audience, and essential elements such as color palette, imagery, logos, and any sponsored content.

2. Preparation: The client is kindly requested to furnish all requisite information, including photographs and any other pertinent materials.

3. Design Creation: Subsequent to the conceptualization phase, the design will be crafted within a span of 1 to 3 business days.

4. Revision: The client will be afforded the opportunity for up to three revisions to ensure the final design aligns with their expectations.

5. Deliverables: The completed design will be provided through a consolidated Google Drive repository for the client's convenience.

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English Teacher

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My expertise will empower you to write articulate emails to foreign partners, deliver compelling presentations in English, engage in fluid conversations with expatriates, and even appreciate the latest songs from your favorite artists without needing to read the lyrics. Through this personalized approach, you will not only become adept in the English language but also gain a deep understanding of the essence of effective communication – conveying your thoughts and ideas in a manner that resonates with others and ensures mutual comprehension.

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Mitra yang direkomendasikan
Giffari Arsyad
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