Hai kawan, sadar gak sih kalo dalam keseharian, gak bisa lepas dari angka-angka. Jam, tanggal, dan harga suatu barang, semua terdiri atas deretan angka. Kali ini kita belajar tentang penulisan rupiah dalam bahasa Inggris.
Agar kawan-kawan lebih mudah memahami gimana sih cara penulisan mata uang dalam bahasa Inggris, mimin ngasih rumusnya dulu.
Rp 52.000,00= Fifty two thousand+rupiah.
Rp 579.300,00= Five hundred-seventy nine thousand three hundred-rupiah
Ratusan= hundred.
Ribuan= Thousand.
Jutaan: Million.
Miliaran: Billion.
Triliunan: Trillion.
Untuk pembelajaran kali ini, mimin mau ngasih dua metode penulisan. Pertama metode angka-huruf dan kedua huruf-angka.
Di sini, kawan-kawan diberikan nominal angka dan membuat penulisan dalam bentuk huruf.
Rp 37.500,00= Thirty seven-thousand five hundred-rupiah.
Rp 732.000,00= Seven-hundred thirty two-thousand rupiah.
Rp 15.750.500.00= Fifteen million seven hundred-fifty thousand five hundred-rupiah
Rp 3.924.836.250.00= Three billion nine hundred-twenty four million eight hundred thirty six thousand two-hundred and fifty-rupiah.
Rp Two hundred and seventy one trillion.
Oke. Selanjutnya ada latihan mandiri buat kawan-kawan. Semangat!
Rp 236.800.000,00= ?
Rp 642.189,00= ?
Rp 5.567.500,00= ?
Di sini, kawan-kawan diberikan nominal berbentuk huruf dan diminta untuk membuat penulisan dalam bentuk angka.
Sixty seven-thousand five hundred-rupiah= Rp. 67.500,00.
Twenty one-thousand two hundred rupiah= Rp. 21.200,00.
Sekarang coba dulu satu percakapan penulisan dari angka-angka kecil dulu ya kawan-kawan.
Sari: I like your t-shirt. If I may know, how much does it cost?
Sara: Thank you for the compliment. The price is fifty one thousand rupiah.
Oke, lanjut lagi kawan-kawan.
Two hundred and sixty seven-thousand rupiah= Rp.267.000,00.
Sampai di sini aman? Kita coba ke angka yang lebih besar lagi.
Five-hundred forty two-thousand three hundred-rupiah= Rp 542.300,00.
One million three hundred thirty seven-thousand two hundred-rupiah= Rp 1.337.200,00.
Nine-hundred sixty two million five hundred thirty one-thousand rupiah= Rp 962.531.000,00.
Five-hundred forty billion seven-hundred million two hundred-thousand rupiah= Rp. 540.700.200.000,00.
Five trillion one-hundred billion two hundred million-rupiah= Rp,00.
Nah, sebagai latihan, coba kawan-kawan ngisi sendiri soal-soal berikut. Good luck ya kawan-kawan!
Twenty six-thousand rupiah= ?
Five hundred and sixty two-rupiah= ?
Nineteen million three-hundred and seventy two-thousand rupiah= ?
Oke kawan-kawan. Sekarang kita lihat beberapa contoh percakapan berikut; menjelaskan cara penulisan mata uang dalam bahasa inggris.
Nino: Hello Tono.
Tono: Hello too Nino.
Nino: I was just shopping for things via the application.
Tono: Oh. Good then.
Nino: I want to ask for your help to read my payment amount.
Tono: Ok. With pleasure.
Nino: Good. The first item is Rp 57.500,00 and the second item is Rp 150.000,00.
Tono: Oh. Ok. Let's start from the first one, the first item costs fifty-seven-thousand five hundred-rupiah and the second item costs one hundred and fifty-thousand rupiah.
Nino: Thank you very much. That means my total purchases are two-hundred seven-thousand five-hundred-rupiah, right?
Tono: That's right. Or the same as Rp 207.500,00.
Berikut contoh conversation yang memuat penulisan mata di bahasa inggris:
Berta: Jasmin, where are you going today?
Jasmin: Coincidentally, my sister and I want to go to the market, why?
Berta: Today I want to go to the post office to accompany my grandmother to receive her retirement salary.
Jasmin: You're really good.
Berta: I want to ask for your help to read out how much money should be received later.
Jasmin: OK. Does not matter.
Berta: Good. This is the nominal amount, Rp 2.658.300,00.
Jasmin: Oh. Wait…. Two million six hundred fifty eight thousand three hundred rupiah. That's the money you have to receive in a while.
Berta: Thank you very much Jasmin.
Jasmin: You're welcome.
Itu dia pelajaran untuk kali ini ini. Setelah tahu cara-caranya, harapannya kawan-kawan makin mahir membuat penulisan mata uang dalam bahasa Inggris ya. Semoga bermanfaat.
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