There was always a special reason and meaning behind your-name! Guru mimin sewaktu SD dulu, suka sekali mengulang-ulang kalimat tersebut. Tapi memang benar sih, pastu selalu mempunyai arti, begitu pula nama orang dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Coba perhatikan anggota keluarga atau teman-teman anda, pasti memiliki sapaan unik dan khas. Biasanya nih, name signifies the hope alias nama itu selalu menyiratkan harapan yakni terutama asa dari orang tua terhadap anak mereka. Seperti seorang sobat mimin namanya ‘Samudra,’ wawasannya luas banget hingga dijuluki ‘kamus berjalan’ oleh dosen. So, it seems like that his nickname describes his knowledge hehe.
Biar lebih lengkap informasinya, kali ini sengaja dibahas beberapa topik menarik seputar:
- Arti Nama orang dalam Bahasa Inggris
- Tips to get inspiration for child-name
Daripada lama-lama, yuk langsung saja kita kupas satu-satu.
Inspirasi Nama Anak
Bahasa Inggris itu unik dan kaya akan makna, termasuk arti tiap-tiap nama orang untuk keluarga, baik laki-laki maupun. Mimin spill beberapa contoh yang bisa menjadi rekomendasi untuk pemberian baik untuk bayi perempuan maupun laki laki. Artinya setiap penamaan itu harus bermakna tertentu biar jadi motivasi.
Untuk Cowok
The meaningful names, di antaranya:
- Matthew (Religious-name) means “gift of God”. (Anugerah Tuhan)
- Nathan: “gift.”
- Henry: "leader of the household".
- Alexander (a powerful-name): “protector of mankind”.
- Erland entrusted as a son of a nobleman).
- Ezra : “help” or “one who always gives a hand to others.’.
- Leo: “lion”, a symbol of strength and courage.
- Felix has meaning“happy” or “lucky”.
- Eric is considered as a brave leader. (sebagai seorang pemimpin yang gagah berani)
- Jack (a short-name) means "God is gracious".
- Aland has meaning bright like the sun.
- Albern: warrior of noble descent.
- Bobby: brave.
- Sebastian (an elegant-name) means “glorified”.
- Carly interpreted as the palace guard.
- Edison means lucky friend.
- Edric was interpreted as a tough ruler.
- William (a classic-name) which has meaning “eager to protect”.
- Edward means rich friend.
- Name ‘Frank’ was believed to have good character, really loves honesty, and likes to share with others (belonging, ideas, or anything).
- Fillbert (a popular-name) is mostly famous for being highly intelligent, clever, or smart. (Artinya orang yang memiliki intelegensi dan cerdas)
Contoh Penggunaan
Kalimat seputar nama orang pada bahasa inggris
- I named my son ‘Leo’ with the hope that he will have good bravery, trust himself in taking great action and decisions.
- That boy named ‘Aland’ because his parents expect him to be the light carrier means a man who can enlighten, bring positive impact to people around.
- I have a friend called ‘William’ who is always a guard and protector for his younger siblings when someone disturbs them. It seems that the name and character match very well hehe.
- My grandpa suggested my uncle name his child; ‘Eric’ because my grandpa thought it was a beautiful name and a person whose name Erik usually has strong character, bravery, and self confidence.
Untuk Cewek :
Berama nama wanita yang memiliki arti keren dan mengesankan beserta arti bahasa indonesia, misalnya:
- Olivia was inspired by the olive tree, a symbol of peace and fertility.
- Sophia: ‘wisdom.’ Artinya bijaksana.
- Isabella: ‘dedicated to God’, dipersembahkan untuk Tuhan.
- Amelia is defined as ‘hardworking’ or ‘passionate.’
- Evelyn interpreted it as ‘little desire’ or ‘light’: cahaya, terang, dan bercahaya.
- Luna is inspired by the moon, a symbol of the beauty of the night.
- Ella : ‘little fairy’ or ‘beautiful’, cantik.
- Grace has meaning ‘grace’ or ‘gift’. (Rahmat atau hadia)
- Elizabeth entrusted as a classic name meaning ‘God is my vow.’
- Stella was believed to be a ‘star’, a symbol of hope and light.
- Clara : ‘clear’ or ‘bright’.
- Rosalie interpreted as the rose, a symbol of love and beauty.
- Nora: ‘light’ or ‘honor,’ a person who gets appreciation and recognition because of her good attitude.
- Celeste is described as “sky”, a symbol of majesty and spirituality.
- Amara is really recommended for a person who will have ‘eternal beauty’ or 'elegant’.
- Hannah means ‘grace’ or ‘full of compassion,’ having high awareness of the condition or situation of people around her.
- Olivia is popularly considered as a symbol of peace and fertility, a person whose name like this is expected to bring positive vibes or energy and also having great management conflict.
Contoh kalimatnya
- My sister’s name is ‘Grace’ because she is the first and considered by my parents as a good God gift.
- Our younger sister's name is Stella, she is expected to be a superstar in the future, to be someone who has a bright career when she grows up.
- Their eldest sister's name is Sophia and like her name, Sophia is a kind and wise lady. She acts like a mother for her brother and sisters, what a humble girl.
- I have a neighbour called ‘Olivia.’ She always attends as problem solver in her family and dislikes any hostility.
Tips for Getting Inspiration for Baby-Name
Menjadi pertanyaan kemudian, arti nama nama orang pada bahasa inggris seperti pada part sebelumnya, bisa kita cari di mana sih? Mimin spill beberapa caranya yah:
Through Reading
Tips pertama paling recommended ialah dengan membaca baik itu buku, novel, atau magazine. History books sangat disarankan sih karena, biasanya mengulas tokoh-tokoh sejarah yang terkenal dan punya pengaruh besar. Jika terinspirasi dengan kisah para pahlawan misalnya, sobat bisa ‘mencomot’ nama mereka sebagai inspirasi.
Watching Film
Tontonan sekarang amat variatif ya guys, apalagi yang bertemakan superhero sepert marvel, dll. Nah, dari situ anda juga bisa mengambil inspirasi.
Sharing with Other People
Last but not the least, teman-teman bisa bertukar cerita alias sharing dengan orang-orang yang sobat anggap punya wisdom atau berwawasan luas. Bisa dengan kawan ataupun guru. Mereka bisa memberi saran bagus.
Well guys, cukup sekian saja untuk topik nama-nama orang dalam Bahasa Inggris. Gimana, Nama apa yang kamu berikan kepada anakmu nanti?
Ingin belajar bahasa inggris secara intensif, ayo temukan gurunya di Interaksi sekarang juga! Tidak hanya tahu seputar arti nama orang tetapi kamu akan lebih memahami bahasa inggri secara keseluruhan.
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