Dalam dunia bisnis surat-menyurat sangatlah dibutuhkan. Perihal ini disebabkan oleh jangkauan bisnis yang luas. Nah, maka penggunaan bahasa Inggris dalam surat bisnis sangatlah penting. Maka dari itu, kali ini mimin akan memberikan contoh surat bisnis dalam bahasa Inggris. Simak contohnya.
Seperti pada umumnya, sebuah surat terdiri dari beberapa bagian antara lain:
Demikian kerangka sebuah surat pada umumnya, termasuk untuk tujuan business letter. Baik bahasa indonesia maupun inggris. Kita bisa gunakan kerangka di atas untuk berbagai keperluan. Tentu sebelums seseorang membuat surat, pikirkan secara matang tujuannya sehingga tercapai apa yang dimaksud.
Berikut salah satu contoh penulisan surat bisnis bahasa inggris dengan tujuan meminta dukungan sponsor.
Indonesian Book Lovers-Community
Jl.Jendral Sudirman No. 471, Jakarta.
Jakarta, February 02, 2025
No: 101/P/2025
Subject: Sponsorship Application
PT. Buku Nasional
Jl. Indonesia Indah
West Jakarta
We are writing to you on behalf of the Indonesian Book Lovers-community, a group that focuses on empowering Indonesian youth through books. We are currently planning our annual event, the Indonesian Book Lovers Youth Workshop, which will be held on March 03, 2025 at the Citra Bakti building, East Jakarta.
This event aims to inspire the younger generation through creative workshops and book exhibitions. We strongly believe that support from companies such as PT. Buku Nasional can help us provide a positive impact for the youth of the Indonesian nation.
We are open to collaborating with your company in the form of sponsorship. As a partner, your company logo will be displayed on all our-promotional materials including banners, social media, and participant certificates.
We really expect your contribution and hope to work together for the success of this event. For-more information, please contact us via our-email pecintabuku@gmail.com. Thank you for your attention.
Lukas Suro
Chairman of the Committee
Berikut salah satu contoh surat bisnis bahasa inggris dengan tujuan meminta perubahan jadwal.
PT. Rumah Indah
Jl. Harapan Bangsa No. 19, South Jakarta
Email: rumahindah@gmail.com
Subject: Adjustment of Goods Delivery Schedule
Head of PT Kembang Indah
Jl. Merpati Terbang No 79, North Jakarta
With respect,
With this letter we submit a request to adjust the delivery schedule of our ordered goods with reference number 1029347903. Currently, the delivery schedule is set for 19/03/2025 but due to internal operational adjustments, we request the delivery be made on 10/03/2025.
We fully understand that this request may also require adjustments from your side, and we greatly appreciate the flexibility and cooperation that has been established so far.
If there are additional costs or other requirements that we need to fulfill, please let us know as soon as possible. We ask the confirmation of this request be sent via our-email. Thank you for your attention and support.
Simon Base
Berikut salah satu contoh surat bisnis bahasa inggris dengan tujuan menawarkan sesuatu.
PT. Goods Goods
Jl. Harapan Indah No 72, East Jakarta
Email: rumahindah@gmail.com
Attachment: 2 brochures
Subject: Goods Offer
Leader of the Nature Lovers Community
Jl. Merpati Terbang No. 79, North Jakarta
Yours faithfully,
Through our serious observation, your-community has been growing and progressing in recent years. So with this consideration, there needs to be support from adequate community equipment. On this occasion, our company offers several products for your community's needs which are the flagship products in our company. We have also attached 2 brochures as a consideration. We are very sure that if you use products from our company, your community can work efficiently and effectively so that it can increase prospects in serving others.
We also offer a special promo for your-community in the form of a 15% discount if your community buys our products before April 14, 2025. Our warranty is 5 years for-each product. Payment can be made by paying a down payment of 40% of the total price and the installments can be paid in 5 installments after the goods arrive in your community.
We really hope to receive orders from your-community. With confidence that it will be able to provide benefits for both parties. Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
Best regards,
Andri Indra.
Nah sobat sekalian demikianlah contoh contoh surat bisnis dalam bahasa Inggris. Ini dapat menjadi pelajaran untuk kalian.
Ingin belajar bahasa inggris, ayo temukan tutornya di Interaksi sekarang juga! Jadi pastinya nanti bisa membuat sobat semakin jago menulis surat sehingga harus nyari lagi contoh dari internet. Pokoknya, bersama kami, anda bisa menguasai bahasa inggris sehingga tidak haus lagi melihat dari contoh lain.