Contoh Kalimat Bahasa Inggris Sederhana - Grammar dan Tujuan

Guru Bahasa Inggris

Bahasa Inggris itu punya aturan sendiri buat ngomong, baik lisan maupun tulisan. Salah satu aturan penting buat diperhatiin adalah rumus kalimat english simpel, atau biasa disebut dengan Simple Present Tense. Artikel ini bakal jelasin rumus-rumusnya dan juga terutama kasih contoh kalimat bahasa Inggris sederhana. Semoga artikel ini bisa bantu kalian belajar english.



Nah pertanyaan paling umum adalah struktur atau tenses yang digunakan. Jawabannya adalah bentuk simple present tense.

  • Dipakai buat ngomongin kebiasaan, fakta umum, atau hal-hal sering terjadi dan rutin.
  • Tense ini juga buat nunjukin sesuatu yang selalu benar atau nggak berubah. Biasanya, kalimat Simple Present Tense pakai kata kerja dasar (verb 1), kecuali kalau subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal (he, she, it), baru deh ditambahkan “s” atau “es” di kata kerjanya.
  • Tentu kalimat sederhana bahasa inggris paling sering digunakan dalam percakapan kehidupan sehari hari. Ini menjadi alasan mengapa menjadi penting mempelajari contoh tersebut.


Berikut beberapa contoh kalimat bahasa inggris sederhana.

Kalimat Positif

Rumus: Subject (I, you, we, they) + Verb 1 atau subject (he, she, it) + Verb 1+ s/es.

Berikut contoh kalimat sederhana bahasa inggris sederhana beserta artinya.

  1. I enjoys holiday with his family (Aku menikmati liburan bersama keluarganya.)
  2. Radiation from cell phones harms eye health (Radiasi dari ponsel merusak kesehatan mata.)
  3. Indonesia has a population of two hundred and eighty million people (Indonesia memiliki jumlah penduduk dua ratus delapan puluh juta orang.)
  4. The Asian-continent is the largest one compared to other continents (Benua Asia adalah benua terbesar dibandingkan dengan benua lainnya.)
  5. I like watching horror films produced by-Indonesia (Saya suka menonton film horor yang diproduksi oleh Indonesia.)
  6. Our family always washes our hands before eating (Keluarga kami selalu mencuci tangan sebelum makan.)
  7. Prabowo Subianto is the eighth president of Indonesia (Prabowo Subianto adalah presiden kedelapan-Indonesia.)
  8. We eat dinner together every night (Kami makan malam bersama setiap malam.)
  9. He reads the newspaper in the morning (Dia membaca koran di pagi hari.)
  10. The train leaves at 8 o’clock every-morning (Kereta berangkat pada pukul 8 setiap pagi.)
  11. My brother likes to play video games. (adikku suka bermain video game)
  12. You study English every-weekend. (kamu belajar bahasa inggris setiap akhir pekan)
  13. I always read books about politics and economics at the weekend (Saya selalu membaca buku tentang politik dan ekonomi di akhir pekan.)
  14. Mom often cooks kale for the family (Ibu sering memasak kale untuk keluarga.)
  15. They have a big and beautiful house (Mereka memiliki rumah yang besar dan indah.)
  16. He likes swimming rather than playing football (Dia lebih suka berenang daripada bermain sepak bola.)
  17. After school, Rony always cleans his father's motorbike (Setelah sekolah, Rony selalu membersihkan motor ayahnya.)


Kalimat Tanya

Rumus: Subject + do/does + not + Verb 1

Berikut contoh kalimat tanya sederhana bahasa inggris sederhana beserta artinya.

  1. Does radiation from cell phones harm eye health? (Apakah radiasi dari handphone mengganggu kesehatan mata?)
  2. Does the train leave at 8 o’clock every morning?
  3. Do we eat dinner together every-night?
  4. Does Tony enjoy holidays with his family?
  5. After school, does Rony always clean his father's motorbike?
  6. Does Mom often cook kale for the family?
  7. Do I always read books about politics and economics on the weekend?
  8. Does he like swimming rather than playing football?
  9. Does Indonesia have a population of two hundred and eighty million people?
  10. Is Prabowo Subianto the eighth president of Indonesia?
  11. Do I like watching horror films produced by-Indonesia?
  12. Is the Asian-continent the largest one compared to other continents?
  13. Does my brother like to play video games?
  14. Do they have a big and beautiful house?
  15. Does our family always wash our hands before eating?
  16. Do you study English every weekend?
  17. Does he read the newspaper in the morning?
  18. Do we need to bring our books to class tomorrow?
  19. Does she go to the gym everyday?
  20. Does he play football on weekends?

Kalimat Negatif

Rumus :Do/Does + subject + Verb 1.

Berikut contoh kalimat negatif sederhana bahasa inggris sederhana beserta artinya.

  1. After school, Rony does not always clean his father's motorbike.
  2. The train does not leave at 8 o’clock every-morning.
  3. They do not have a big and beautiful house.
  4. Tony does not enjoy holidays with his family.
  5. Prabowo Subianto is not the eighth president of Indonesia.
  6. Our family does not always wash our hands before eating.
  7. He does not read the newspaper in the morning.
  8. Indonesia does not have a population of two hundred and eighty million people.
  9. I do not always read books about politics and economics on the weekend.
  10. He does not like swimming rather than playing football.
  11. You do not study English every weekend.
  12. Mom does not often cook kale for the family.
  13. Radiation from cell phones does not harm eye health.
  14. The Asian-continent is not the largest one compared to other continents.
  15. We do not eat dinner together every night.
  16. My brother does not like to play video games.
  17. I do not like watching horror films produced by Indonesia.
  18. We do not need to bring our books to class tomorrow.
  19. She does not go to the gym every day.
  20. He does not play football on weekends.

Demikianlah seputar contoh kalimat bahasa inggris sederhana.

Ingin belajar secara intensif, ayo temukan tutornya di Interaksi sekarang juga! Tentu sobat tidak hanya mempelajari contoh kalimat sederhana saja tetapi bahasa inggris secara keseluruhannya.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Block quote

Ordered list

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3
  4. fgfgfg
  5. fgfgf
  6. fgfgf
  7. fgfgfg
  8. fgfgfg
  9. fgfgfg
  10. fgfgfg
  11. fgfgfg
  12. fgfg
  13. fhghghg

Unordered list

  • Item A
  • Item B
  • Item C

Text link

Bold text




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