How do the office employees usually talk in English? Jika pertanyaan seperti itu terlintas juga di benak kawan-kawan maka, kita sama. Anyway, penting sih untuk mengetahui bagaimana Bahasa Inggris pegawai kantor karena, kelak ini juga bisa menjadi modal.
Terutama ketika nantinya sobat ‘mengadu nasib’ di lingkungan perkantoran nih maka, mesti paham soal characteristics, daily conversations, atau bahkan jokes ala-ala kantoran hehe. Tujuannya simpel, biar komunikasinya lancar dan relasi dengan rekan kerja terawat.
Udah kayak nasehat motivator-motivator gitu, yah? Nah pegawai kantor sendiri dalam bahasa inggris disebut sebagai office worker. Well through this article, bakal dibahas beberapa topik menarik, yaitu tentang:
Biar tidak makin penasaran, yuk simak penjelasannya sampai selesai. Jangan sampai ada yang terlewat!
Ngobrol soal orang kantoran biasanya identik dengan kesibukan. Mereka hari-harinya dipenuhi berbagai pekerjaan dan aktivitas. Beberapa contoh talks ala pegawai kantor di berbagai situasi. Berikut beberapa contoh percakapan pekerja di kantor dalam bahasa inggris. Tentunya bisa jadi rekomendasi komunikasi di tempat kerja.
Saat rapat terkait agenda bersama, umumnya obrolan di antara karyawan berlangsung serius, misalnya:
Abi: Hello Ms. Ina, good-morning and hope you are fine always.
Ina: Good morning too Mr. Abi, I am good. I thought, soon we can start the
meeting, right?
Abi: Yes, of course. After the invitee come in and sit then, you can welcome them by
an opening speech.
Ina: Alright Mr. Abi and for the first main agenda is ‘presenting the corporate
annual progress,’ right?
Abi: Certainly, Ms. Ina. Now, can you prepare yourself!
Ina: Alright, thank you for your kind attention, mr.
Pegawai kantor nggak kerja melulu, mereka juga ada jadwal makan siangnya. Begini cuplikan obrolan biasanya:
Ria: Hey Do, have you done your work?
Aldo: Hey Ria, not yet. It’s quite difficult actually. Anyway, where are you going?
Ria: Having lunch, of course.
Aldo: Oh damn, I almost forgot it. It’s already 12.15 pm right now.
Ria: Hahaha (laughing) It means you’re hungry so you lose your focus.
Aldo: I thought so wkwkwk.
Ria: If so, why don’t we have lunch early.
Aldo: You are right, Ria. Wait a minute, I’ll take my wallet first.
Ria: Ok then.
As part of communication, saling mengirim pesan merupakan kegiatan wajib. Entah melalui email or whatsapp, sekadar menanyakan jadwal ataupun untuk mengkonfirmasi sesuatu. Contoh:
Dede: Hello Ayu, good morning. I am sorry if this message is disturbing you.
Ayu: Good-morning too, Dede. No worries, what kind of information you want to
Dede: Alright Ayu. We, from Public Relation Division want to confirm;
Will Mr. Robert attend tomorrow's meeting?
Ayu: Yes, of course Dede. He will arrive at 8.00 am here.
Dede: Will he be accompanied by someone?
Ayu: Surely, Mr. Robert will come along with his secretary. So, please inform the
protocols to pick up and deliver them.
Dede: Noted, thank you for-the information. We’ll follow up your suggestion.
Ayu: You are welcome Yu, good afternoon.
Satu lagi biasanya nih urusan orang kantor yaitu bertemu klien alias pelanggan. Apalagi kalau menuntut kamu harus bicara dalam bahasa inggris. Obrolannya, kurang lebih seperti ini:
(E)mployee: Hello, good afternoon. Is it with Mr. Albert, right?
(A)lbert: Yes, I am Albert who contacted you last week.
E: Well Mr. Albert. after we read and learn your report, you claim that you don’t
have overtime pay while 2 to 3 days every week you often work over working
hours, right?
A: Yes, of course. Actually, it is not only me who works overtime due to the boss'
direction but there are a few friends also but, only me who speak up about this
E: Alright and do you have or bring some proof, agreement, or others which can
strengthen your statement?
A: Surely. I also bring both hard and soft copy files of documents. Here you are.
E: Ok. Mr Albert. For now, we should analyze your case first. We will inform you
tomorrow for the update.
A: Noted mr, thank you for-your help.
Biar makin complete, teman-teman harus menguasai idiom-idiom pegawai kantor. Sehingga nanti ketika ngobrol ataupun nguping pembicaraan mereka, sobat nggak bingung hehe. Berikut beberapa ungkapan yang sering digunakan:
Mimin kasih contoh kalimatnya yah guys, perhatikan:
So guys, demikian ulasan seputar Bahasa Inggris ala pegawai kantor. Untuk contoh-contohnya, sobat bisa kembangkan sendiri. Mimin yakin teman-teman pasti dapat melakukannya.
Ingin belajar bahasa inggris, ayo temukan tutor keren di Interaksi sekarang juga!